Monday, September 14, 2009

Alert: Dangerous Snitch Timothy Patrick White May Be in Denver

EDIT: Comments are closed as the subject has resorted to tactics of intimidation. This will not be tolerated.

More accurate, clear, and current photo provided by Colorado Indymedia. Further reporting by the collective has also yielded that White has claimed to be a Vietnam veteran and makes web postings on a variety of conspiracy theory websites.

Tips have lead us to believe that notorious criminal and FBI informant Timothy Patrick White has been in Denver within the last two weeks and may still be. White is ruthless, working within corrupt State organizations for profit. The following is from a journalist that has been subject to White's harassment:

Timothy White is a stool pigeon/snitch and government stooge who made a deal with corrupt law enforcement/FBI agents to get out of jail in 2002, after a felony conviction for drug trafficking.

Though he is now hiding out in Canada, a fugitive from justice, for years previous, White traveled the country, engaging in criminal harassment and stalking of designated targets, including journalists, government whistleblowers, survivors of black operations, former law enforcement/intelligence personnel --anyone who exposed truthful, factual information about government crimes and corruption.

SnitchWire would encourage all readers to avoid all contact with Timothy White. This man is extremely dangerous for activists, radicals, journalists, and anyone else the State could pick out for attack. Send ALL TIPS and info concerning White and other snitches to snitchwire [at] riseup [dot] net.

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